Who is the Coo-Mon Woman of 2021?
Cover picture: Picture of RF._.studio from Pexels
We have defined who will be 2021 Coo-Mon’s woman, an ambitious woman determined to live the life she has always dreamed of... and that she deserves! Let's meet this accomplished woman.
How do we define an accomplished woman nowadays?
That's the question we asked a group of ambitious and inspiring women; those who know how to turn an ordinary day into extraordinary moments.
Let us ask ourselves about the definition of personal achievement, and its attributes.
"Personal achievement is different for everyone, and is the achieving of the goals we have set for ourselves."
"An accomplished woman has full confidence in her abilities... even if sometimes she doubts! »
"She is happy in her own skin and finds pleasure in what she does every day."
"Do we become perfectly "accomplished"? Or is it the quest for fulfillment, through evolution, adaptation and constant growth that we are really looking for? »
Picture of cottonbro from Pexels
Achievement is indeed a personal matter and the meaning is defined by the aspirations and realities of each woman.
How do you define personal achievement?
Self-fulfillment, according to the Quebec Office of the French Language, personal fulfillment is the achievement or realization of our real needs and aspirations, thanks to our efforts and actions.
The accomplished woman is above all, a happy woman, at home in her own skin, and satisfied with her career and achievements. She is proud of the person she has become. She finds a life balance in accordance with her values, her personality and her needs. She is able to free herself from the expectations of society and makes informed choices in order to follow her own lifestyle. Her attitude and relationships are genuine. She recognizes her worth, her strengths and weaknesses, and respects her emotions.
In other words, the accomplished woman knows herself well enough and has confidence in herself and her abilities! She is fulfilled, feels UNIQUE and special.
Do you identify with this woman?
Or at least, do you aspire to become that woman?
If the answer is yes, we suggest 5 points to explore, corresponding to each sphere of your life.
How to get started on the road to success?
The ways to achieve success and happiness differ for each person. They will depend in particular on the importance one gives to each role assumed, and the stage of life in which one is situated.
But some criteria still seem to have been standardized by society, as they are shared by many women. Let us inspire you with some ideas that will help you develop the spheres of your life.
1. Feeding the heat of your home
Family life is not always a long, quiet river. It is sometimes littered with trials that require humility, adaptation and a lot of discussion. The upheavals caused by the pandemic have destroyed many landmarks, and destabilized all members of the household.
It is essential to cultivate a strong family spirit, where each individual feels in his place. Planning family activities every week will help you consolidate relationships.
You will greatly improve the quality of your communications by taking the time to discuss and share your days, emotions, and projects. It is by listening to each other that we really get to know and understand each other. On the other hand, valuing everyone's voice strengthens the sense of security and trust of the youngest.
2. Strengthening friendships
Keep a positive outlook towards others. Your zest for life must shine on your surroundings. Over time, you will have developed a winning attitude. Be inspired by your experiences and your story, and stay connected to your vision of success. Acquiring a better self-knowledge will help you manage your emotions. This is a skill that is particularly useful in case of conflict, and which will improve your ability to communicate with your friends!
You know that it is important to develop healthy relationships with the people around you: family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, collaborators, etc. By taking a sincere and humane approach, you will inspire more trust and respect. Surround yourself with the right people. You will need the support of your team of leaders to achieve your dreams. Because no one achieves success alone!
Then support them in return. Put yourself at the service of others, always with the aim of raising their spirits to the level of yours.
3. Contributing to your well-being... while having fun!
Accepting to take time for yourself is quite an art! Do you sometimes find it difficult to stop your activities, to give yourself a break of a few minutes to take care of yourself?
Maintaining our physical and mental health has become a big issue in this pandemic period. That's why it's necessary to reconnect regularly to our needs. Allow yourself a time slot to do something you love, without feeling guilty!
Like: a sports activity session, outdoor walking, beauty treatment, a relaxing bath... You're spoiled for choice!
It is when you feel good about yourself and your mind that you feel fully in your place. Moreover, the choice of colours and clothes we decide to wear can impact our mood. By deciding to wear an outfit that you like, you project a positive mental image of yourself. Colours are powerful communication tools that should not be overlooked when it comes to your well-being.
Clothing is above all a matter of "self-love". We dress first for ourselves, then for the image we want to convey of ourselves to others.
To feel good in your choices, your fashion shopping must first and foremost be be driven by your personality traits, your personal tastes, and your level of comfort. Coo-Mon designed its extensive collection of women's fashion accessories with all the female personalities in mind.
From African wax prints to more neutral tones, you'll find the fashion accessory that will make you shine in spring!

4. Activate your heart and mind
Absolute happiness is presumably a myth. Let's assume that happiness is a path and not a destination. The interest of personal fulfillment is then found in the progression and constant evolution of the individual.
To cultivate a better version of yourself, you have to dare to step out of your comfort zone, develop new lifestyle habits and work routines. Your key word becomes self-discipline. Personal growth can only be achieved through continuous work on yourself.
To do this, it would be relevant to identify each of your personality traits, and then acquire new strengths thanks to the many resources offered by the personal development industry: books, training, webinars, coaching, etc.
Without constantly questioning yourself, it is necessary to take the time to recharge your batteries, in order to move forward better. Learn to live in the present moment, while advancing towards the future.
5. Develop a professional life that is humane and rich in experience
Developing your charisma will support your managerial skills, helping you lead your teams and convey your ideas effectively. This is how you will more easily be able to convince and impact your audience.
Your attitude, the way you express yourself and your actions will co-evolve, making you a woman of influence with caring leadership. This will give you more confidence when it comes to collaborating and delegating. There will never be a real competition, because what you have to bring to the world is unique and irreplaceable. You will be one of those who take a determined step forward, bringing with you a community of leaders ready to grow.
The "no” will no longer discourage you, and will not make you back down. You'll be able to bounce back and adapt to any situation, because resilience is now a quality you've been gaining for a year now. Never let your "failures" define you, but use them to create, build and bring about your destiny.
The Coo-Mon 2021 woman is indeed a woman in search of accomplishment, who gives herself the means to achieve her life goals. Making your dreams come true takes a lot of work and discipline; her perseverance and daring will enable her to achieve her goals.
She is taking action by demolishing the walls that maintained her status quo, and prevented her from accessing new opportunities. Important mention: this year, she will take care of herself, and make her needs a priority!
So, will you be a Coo-Mon’s woman?